15 September, 2008

fly to da moon+stunt double

XD i should post tis earlier actualy
but.. ._. i m.. lazy *sorry*

a fat devil/boy chasing swiss roll
in a world full of dessert n candiez
n therez candie rain *muahaha*
although i nt really eat candy ._.

alien teritoriez searchin earth/planet
an UFO flyin / floating endless in galaxy
lik findin some thing he dream for
n i ter-sketch it lik digimon T.T

japan ghost festival
in grave yard night time
de "spirit" fly to de sky
._. soundz lik he wanna go to heaven

actualy i was thinkin a kid is fallin instead of flying
wit umbrella n raining rainbowz cloudz etc
since it is from bottom to top..
so will from of fallin bcom flyin

._. tatz all for digital media

for web design
= = yea i should post earlier too
n consider approve from lecture yesterday

i m a stunt double at age 23.
i was born in china n well knowed bout kung-fu taught by grandpa
learn kung-fu bcoz i was bullied badly by friendz since i was a kid
ambition was actualy action movie star n Bruce Lee my idol

tis is more to background den story n mission
.__. i m stil workin on mission!!
coz de mission is de main part as a stunt double
any crazy mission plz tell me XD

feeling n mood will b clear after mood board done

1 comment:

June said...

I'm fine with all 4 ideas that you proposed.

You can choose 1 from there.
No sketches or visual development from the ideas? You need to speed up the progress for the scripting part will take sometime to test the effect out.