09 September, 2008


itz my webbie design title
ekhem~ as a stunt double is-
dangerous ._.+ but exciting~
i alwayz though dey r awesome
dey r cool n been well train
n most of their "workz" is a new challenge
challenge of demself n ther limits

oh yea.. i done my mindmap too
*although i m doin wit webcam n chatin*

some few keywordz will b choose later
before i go to bed.. few sketches too
thankz to today's traffic jam
stuckin on de road, idea popz up
._. showin it to lec nx week

title mah... stil enhancin n thinkin

web feelingz.. probaly will b cool n greyscale
XD or mayb i can play it colourful too? if suitz

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