03 March, 2009


>"< help me please.. de user test..

About us
Contact us

so.. herez de questionz..
For every statement below, please give a rating from 1 to 5.
1- Strongly disagree
2- Disagree
3- Neutral
4- Agree
5- Strongly Agree

And you may add your own comments if you want to.
You can copy and paste this in the comments section and then just add 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 at the end of each sentence.

1. Do you think this site is consistency?
2. Is this site have a good balanced of pictures and words?
3. Is the home page make you explore more?
4. Is this site making you confuse?
5. Are you able to get your information?
6. Is the information easy to read?
7. Any other comments?

;___; thankz alot..
appreciate your help


KaRo/Kah Rou said...

1. Do you think this site is consistency? (4)
2. Is this site have a good balanced of pictures and words? (3...about page too many words)
3. Is the home page make you explore more? (3)
4. Is this site making you confuse? (1)
5. Are you able to get your information? (4)
6. Is the information easy to read? (3)
7. Any other comments? (about us page put some pics...)

KaRo/Kah Rou said...

1. Do you think this site is consistency? (4)
2. Is this site have a good balanced of pictures and words? (3...about page too many words)
3. Is the home page make you explore more? (3)
4. Is this site making you confuse? (1)
5. Are you able to get your information? (4)
6. Is the information easy to read? (3)
7. Any other comments? (about us page put some pics...)

Jacob said...

1. Do you think this site is consistency?

2. Is this site have a good balanced of pictures and words?

3. Is the home page make you explore more?

4. Is this site making you confuse?

5. Are you able to get your information?

6. Is the information easy to read?
3 a bit hard..mayb too small but still ok.

7. Any other comments?
bg too blank,mayb can add more graphic or watever to enhance.

r e i said...

1. Do you think this site is consistency? 4
2. Is this site have a good balanced of pictures and words? 3 (words abit heavy ><)
3. Is the home page make you explore more? 3
4. Is this site making you confuse? 1
5. Are you able to get your information? 4
6. Is the information easy to read? 3

home, the content font size can be smaller a bit, now almost same font size with navigation.